In Canada, disability insurance is a vital part of financial planning since it offers a safety net for people who could become incapable of working due to illness or injury.

Why Do Professionals Need Disability Insurance?

By Canadian LIC, October 6, 2023, 8 Minutes

In Canada, disability insurance is a vital part of financial planning since it offers a safety net for people who could become incapable of working due to illness or injury.

Would your family be able to pay the bills if you got sick or were in a bad accident that left you forever disabled? The likelihood of a working professional developing a major disability is higher than their probability of dying. Few people have the resources to cover their difficult times, so the majority of people need a disability insurance plan to mitigate their risk.

Plans for disability insurance have seen a significant modification in the previous ten years. Many brokers in the insurance sector, like Canadian LIC, give policyholders a range of options for self-defence against physical danger while still earning money to support their families. Finding the most suitable disability insurance plan to meet their unique needs has always been a difficult challenge for professionals, despite the fact that there are many options available online nowadays. Just get in touch with us right away, and we’ll be pleased to address any questions you may have.

This blog examines disability insurance in Canada, discussing its significance, types, benefits, considerations, claim process and more.

Understanding Disability Insurance

Disability insurance, often referred to as disability income insurance or income replacement insurance, is a form of protection that ensures individuals continue to receive income if they become disabled and are unable to work. This financial support helps them maintain their standard of living and cover essential expenses.

What is Disability Insurance?

Defining Disability Insurance: Disability insurance is a contract between an individual and an insurance provider. In exchange for premium payments, the insurer agrees to provide financial support if the insured person becomes disabled and cannot work. This insurance is designed to replace a portion of the insured’s income during a covered disability.

The Role of Income Replacement: The primary purpose of disability insurance is to replace lost income. It ensures that policyholders can continue to meet financial obligations, such as mortgage or rent payments, utilities, groceries, and other essential expenses, even when they are unable to work.

Read More – Disability Insurance

How much coverage is needed?

Examining your present expenses is the best way to try to estimate how much coverage you’d need in the event of disability. You may obtain a good indication of how much it costs to maintain your lifestyle by figuring out how much you now need to survive. If you’re living over your means, you might need to make some sacrifices or think of methods to reduce your spending since if you become incapacitated; your income will only be 85% of what it was. To ensure that you do not fall behind on any debt responsibilities should you be out of work for an extended period of time, you should also take into account any debt obligations, such as a mortgage, loan payments, or auto payments. To help you choose the best insurance for you, we’ll work with you to examine every aspect of your financial condition. For the best disability insurance quote, stop by our office or give us a call to discuss your coverage options right away.

Types of Disability Insurance in Canada

Difference between Short Term and Long Term Disability Insurance

The length and severity of an injury or sickness are typically the key distinctions between short-term disability insurance and long-term disability insurance. A weekly payment is provided by short-term disability insurance, which is typically included in employee benefits while you’re rehabilitating.

Suppose you sustain an injury or illness that prevents you from working for an extended period of time. In that case, long-term disability insurance is designed to replace or supplement a portion of your income.

Short-Term Disability Insurance Long-Term Disability Insurance
The coverage period typically ranges from six weeks to twenty- six weeks. The coverage period is two years, five years or longer
Typically provided by employers To supplement employer coverage, these are typically acquired independently.
Offers a replacement for weekly income Offers a monthly payout to replace lost income.
Benefits might start one to fourteen days following a disability. Benefits start once the short-term disability waiting period is over.
Usually, claims are made for temporary health concerns such as infections, soft tissue injuries, sports injuries, back difficulties, etc. Usually demanded for a physical disability, accident injury, mental health problem, musculoskeletal problem, etc.

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Considerations When Choosing Disability Insurance

Selecting the right disability insurance policy involves considering several factors:

Disability Insurance Providers in Canada

Several insurance providers offer disability insurance in Canada. It’s essential to research and compare policies to find the one that best suits your needs and budget. Popular insurance companies in Canada include Sun Life FinancialManulife FinancialCanada Life, and Desjardins Insurance, among others.

Applying for Disability Insurance

To apply for disability insurance in Canada, you typically need to go through the following steps:

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Claims Process

If you experience a disability, you should follow these steps to initiate a disability insurance claim:

Reasons Why Professionals Need Disability Insurance

Disability insurance is an often-overlooked part of financial planning, but it’s a crucial way for workers in Canada to protect their finances. Many people know how important life insurance is, but disability insurance is just as important, if not more so, especially for those who depend on their income to support themselves and their families. The following are some explanations for why Canadian professionals require disability insurance:

Professionals’ most significant asset is their capacity to work and generate income. Your income is necessary to support your family and maintain your standard of living, whether you work as a doctor, lawyer, engineer, or in any other field. Disability insurance acts as a safety net to guarantee that you will still be paid even if you become ill or injured and are unable to work.

If a covered disability prevents you from working in Canada, disability insurance deals with a portion of your salary, often between 60 and 70%. This financial assistance makes sure that even if you are unable to work, you can pay your bills, including your rent or mortgage, your utilities, and the cost of your education.

Contrary to common belief, the risk of disability is significant. Statistics show that approximately 1 in 3 Canadians will experience a disability that lasts longer than 90 days at some point in their working lives. Disabilities can result from various causes, including accidents, illnesses, and chronic conditions. No one is immune, and professionals are not exempt from this risk.

Professionals often lead busy and demanding lives, which can increase their vulnerability to certain health issues. Long working hours, high-stress levels, and sedentary work can contribute to health problems that may lead to disability. Therefore, having disability insurance in place is essential for professionals to protect their financial stability in the event of unexpected health challenges.

Disability insurance replaces lost income and helps you maintain your lifestyle. Without this coverage, a disability could force you to deplete your savings, sell assets, or rely on government assistance programs. This could significantly reduce your standard of living and disrupt your financial plans and long-term goals.

With disability insurance, you can continue to meet your financial commitments, including paying your mortgage or rent, funding your children’s education, and saving for retirement. It ensures that you can maintain the lifestyle you’ve worked hard to achieve, even in the face of a disability.

Many professionals have access to group disability insurance coverage through their employers. While group plans can provide some level of protection, they often have limitations and may not offer sufficient coverage for high-income professionals. Group disability insurance typically covers only a portion of your income and may not consider bonuses or commissions.

Furthermore, group plans are often not portable, meaning you may lose your coverage if you change jobs or become self-employed. Relying solely on group coverage can leave you vulnerable to financial hardship in the event of a disability. To ensure comprehensive protection, professionals should consider supplementing their group coverage with an individual disability insurance policy tailored to their specific needs.

One significant advantage of individual disability insurance in Canada is the tax treatment of the benefits. Unlike group disability benefits, which are typically taxable, benefits received from an individual disability insurance policy are usually tax-free. This means that the money you receive from your disability policy can be used to cover your expenses without worrying about a significant tax burden.

By choosing individual disability insurance, professionals can maximize the financial support they receive during a disability and minimize the impact on their overall finances.

Disability insurance provides more than just financial protection; it also offers peace of mind. Knowing that you have a safety net in place can reduce the stress and anxiety associated with the possibility of a disability. This peace of mind allows professionals to focus on their careers and personal lives without worrying about how they would cope financially if they were unable to work.

Furthermore, disability insurance can provide a sense of security for your loved ones. Suppose you have dependents, such as a spouse or children. In that case, disability insurance ensures that they are taken care of even if you cannot provide for them due to a disability.

Conclusion: Disability Insurance: Securing Your Financial Future

In conclusion, disability insurance is a vital tool for protecting your income and financial well-being. Understanding disability insurance’s various aspects, including the types of coverage, key features, and factors to consider, empowers you to make informed decisions about your financial future. Disability insurance ensures that, in the event of an unexpected disability, you have the financial support needed to maintain your lifestyle and work toward your long-term goals. Please don’t wait until it’s too late; take proactive steps to secure your financial future with disability insurance by getting in touch with the experts at Canadian LIC today!. 

If you’ve ever worried about how you’ll manage your finances if an accident or sickness keeps you out of work for a while, you shouldn’t. At Canadian LIC, we can assist you in protecting yourself and your loved ones by assisting you in selecting the best disability insurance plan. We are a Brampton-based company that provides services all around the nation. Call us at 416 543 9000 right away to make an appointment or to learn more. Additionally, we provide a full line of critical illness insurance products to help clients by easing their financial strain during difficult times. We can also help you choose the right mortgage insurance plan if you want to make sure your monthly mortgage payments are taken care of, even if you are having trouble making ends meet.


Disability insurance in Canada is a financial protection product that provides income replacement if you become disabled due to illness or injury and are unable to work. It helps you maintain your standard of living during a disability.

Anyone who relies on their income to cover living expenses and support their family should consider disability insurance. This includes professionals, self-employed individuals, and employees without comprehensive workplace coverage.

In Canada, there are two primary types of disability insurance: Short-Term Disability (STD) insurance and Long-Term Disability (LTD) insurance. STD covers temporary disabilities, while LTD provides coverage for more extended periods, often until age 65.

Anyone who relies on their income to cover living expenses and support their family should consider disability insurance. This includes professionals, self-employed individuals, and employees without comprehensive workplace coverage.

When you purchase a disability insurance policy, you pay premiums to the insurance provider. If you become disabled and meet the policy’s criteria, you can file a claim to receive disability benefits, which typically replace a portion of your lost income.

Benefits received from individual disability insurance policies in Canada are generally tax-free. However, benefits from group disability plans may be taxable, depending on how the premiums were paid.

Many Canadian employers offer group disability insurance as part of their employee benefits package. However, these plans may have limitations, and coverage may not be sufficient for high-income individuals.

Key factors to consider are the benefit amount, waiting period, benefit period, definition of disability, premiums, and any exclusions or limitations within the policy.

Yes, self-employed individuals in Canada can purchase individual disability insurance to protect their income in case of a disability.

To initiate a disability insurance claim, you should notify your insurer, complete the necessary claim forms, provide medical documentation, and cooperate with the insurer’s evaluation process. Details can vary by policy and insurer.

Several reputable insurance providers offer disability insurance in Canada, including Canada Life, Sun Life Financial, Manulife, Desjardins Insurance, and others. The choice of provider depends on your individual needs and preferences.

Yes, you can often customize disability insurance policies to align with your specific needs and budget by adjusting factors such as benefit amount, waiting period, and benefit period.

The cost of disability insurance in Canada can vary widely based on factors like your age, health, occupation, coverage options, and the insurance provider. It’s important to obtain quotes and compare policies to find one that fits your budget.

The above information is only meant to be informative. It comes from Canadian LIC’s own opinions, which can change at any time. This material is not meant to be financial or legal advice, and it should not be interpreted as such. If someone decides to act on the information on this page, Canadian LIC is not responsible for what happens. Every attempt is made to provide accurate and up-to-date information on Canadian LIC. Some of the terms, conditions, limitations, exclusions, termination, and other parts of the policies mentioned above may not be included, which may be important to the policy choice. For full details, please refer to the actual policy documents. If there is any disagreement, the language in the actual policy documents will be used. All rights reserved.

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